Interhash 2008 at Perth
Over all a wonderful time had by all hashers
This is a report while the event is ON.
The pluses:
1. Good terrain, good people, easy to get around Perth
2. Good Runs - everyone seems to have enjoyed the Runs and the Mismanagement by the Hash Chapter which was in charge
3. Day 3 was perfect. Good dinner, good closing ceremony ending with fabulous fireworks.
The negatives:
1. Crappy food at the Hash venue. No variety. Nothing for the veggies
2. Day 2 dinner menu is identical to Day 1's !!!
3. The city shuts down very, very early. Restaurants, pubs, etc
4. No beer on the buses - some of the places took over an hour to get to and back. Perth laws - why choose Perth?
5. Poor choice of Hash Venue - Gloucester Park - too many unhashlike restrictions.
6. Terrible, terrible choice of an event manager. Even the most drunk bunch of hashers could have done better.
We are just amazed that Ozzie Hashers went to so much trouble to bid for the Interhash, and had two years to put up a great show, and then went and handed over the Mismanagement to an Event Manager who did not understand what Hashing is about